What are the major differences between Z-LASIK and iLASIK? Which method would you recommend?

By | October 5, 2014

These names are proprietary names of the laser companies. Essentially there are three types of lasik surgery irregardless of the brand of the lasers:

1) PRK , or what some doctors now call LASEK. This was the first laser procedure that was performed by dr. Dello Russo himself in 1990. At DelloRusso laser vision we only perform PRK if a person cannot qualify for LASIK.
2) Blade LASIK, which is no longer performed at Dell Russo centers. It is an outdated laser surgery.
3) No Blade or Blameless or All-Laser LASIK, the most advanced and safest laser surgery. Introduced by dr. Dello Russo back in 2002.