Protect Your Eye Vision When Sitting At The Computer

By | February 15, 2013

If you have a 9 to 5 job or you find yourself studying, playing, and generally sitting in front of the computer for many hours a day, besides the regular back and neck problems, a different kind of issues might rise: eye vision problems. Starring at a big screen is probably in fact affecting your eyes much more severely than what you might imagine. There are specialized studies in the field hat come to show the fact that almost 9 out of 10 people who work in front of computers cope with eye health problems. These issues are generically called the computer vision syndrome.


Symptoms Of The Computer Vision Syndrome

If you notice you have started to strain your eyes, accompanied by the feeling of fatigue, blurry eyes, or dry eyes, plus back, neck or headaches, chances are you too are suffering from the CVS double eye vision is also part of the list of signs that might indicate you suffer from this syndrome. When sitting in front of the computer, your natural blinking rate decreases significantly, leading to eye dryness, burning sensations, as well as itchiness. These signs are normally temporary and the less one sits in front of the computer monitor, the more they lose their intensity. However, there are persistent types of symptoms that need to be further looked into. If you like to play online lottery quite often, make sure you respect the following tips.

Tips To Stay Protected

Every 20 minutes try to take a break from the computer that should last no more than 20 seconds – use the break to look at an object located 20 feet away from you. Make sure you have got good lighting and a seat you can properly adjust when sitting at the computer. Enlarge the text on your computer and remember to blink more often. Use special eye glasses to fight against eye strain.