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How does wavefront compare to conventional LASIK?

Conventional LASIK is performed only using your prescription for glasses. Many people may still have visual complaints even if they see 20/20 vision. These complaints may be caused by some irregular shape of the cornea which conventional LASIK does not correct. Wavefront LASIK treats not only the eyeglass prescription, but takes into account any irregularity… Read More »

How Long Does It Take For Healing after PRK and LASIK?

With LASIK the reshaping of the cornea is performed inside the cornea, leaving the surface intact. Therefore there is a quick return of vision. As soon as the LASIK patient sits up from the treatment, they frequently say “Wow! I can see!” This is known as the Wow Factor.

My daughter was recently told by her eye doctor that she has very thin blood vessels that are growing in her eye which can cause blindness in the near future. Would she be a candidate to have lasik surgery or is it totally out of the question? BTW she is the only 18 years old.

I will guess that she is over wearing her contact lenses. We see this quite often with young people. She should stop wearing her lenses so much. It’s under her control. I will guess that if she stops with the contacts the vessels will recede without harm. She may then come in for a free… Read More »

I am 26 years old and have been interested in getting Lasik for years, but am unsure whether I am a candidate due to ‘degeneration of the retina’ in my right eye, astigmatism, and both nearsighted and farsightedness. I heard your advertisement on Z100 with Skeery Jones and figured it couldn’t hurt to find out! I see that you offer several types of vision correction… which one would be best (if any) for me?

Your situation is complex, so you will need to come in for a free consult with Dr. Joseph or Dr. Jeffrey Dello Russo. A complete eye exam can be performed.

Does Dr. Joseph DelloRusso perform all the lasik surgeries?

Drs. Joseph and Jeffrey DelloRusso perform all the LASIK surgeries that are done in our centers.. They also perform all the free evaluation seminars, as well as follow up care. The centers are the most professional and skilled, but also friendly and closely-held family centers.